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Your disease is not any punishment or bad karma
It's a CHALLENGE for improving your life and health,
the way of your best adaptation.
To heal it you need to know
its reasons


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Your disease...

 it's not unpredictable circumstances

or genes how it claimed by pharmaceutical medicine, 

and it doesn't come to make you  weak or kill you...



It's like a bug in computer program.. When you noticed the bug and why it happened, you can remove it, and make your beloved body and soul better

Doctor Varvara Leschinskaya

Immunologist, dietitian,

MD, PhD in psychoneuroimmunology

Doctor of Natural Medicine,


Why official medicine claimed most of diseases as non curable, chronic, lifetime long

Official medicine is based on a complicated and very expensive diagnostic structure. Main aim is to put the RIGHT DIAGNOSIS. THE LABEL ON, you will be treated for very extensively and expensive . With no connection with your personality, who are you, your soul and mentality, as like it doesn't matter


From the moment of FIRST SELLING CONSULTATION: you're just one more item to sell and get money from. That's why most of chronical illnesses are considered to be incurable. Of course, it's perfect for medical business

But it's not true. Most of chronic diseases, even heavy ones like cancer and autoimmune diseases might be curable if we know their REASONS

Any patient has HIS OWN REASONS, sometimes they are deeply hidden inside from any awareness...

 That's why another official medicine's lie goes so easily: claiming that most chronic diseases have UNKNOWN REASONS.

Despite the fact that deep inside of us we always know by ourselves that wrong food or dirty air, violations in our lifestyle or wrong thoughts, negative emotions? not only genes or pollution or infections in childhood  brought  us to the situation when we become sick


For each PERSONALITY and SOUL this complex of factors might be very distinguishing.

And to get first and fast result of improvement we should find the most harmful or meaningful REASON and try to remove or diminish it


How to heel your disease 100%

Doctor's Desk

Step 1

Understand why it happened? What reasons for that?

Only official diagnostic is not enough!

You need Natural/Psychosomatic Medicine's diagnostic

10-45 days

My Diagnostic 

Step 2.

Detox to restore your gut microbiote and activate your own detox system and immunity My Detox system

45-60 days

You can can your first results in 1-2 week

Step 3.

Creating Your Own Personal System with my professional medical help/

 starting  to remove most important reasons of your diseases

Yoga by the Sea

Step 4.

Adding guided visualisation and find advantages 

Depending your discipline and dedication you can get good results in 7-14 weeks even in case of very heavy diseases

 Best and fast effects you will get with my professional help

Weight balance for kids, teenagers and adults

Anorexia, food disturbances or addiction

Gastrointestinal diseases

Immune and allergic  diseases bronchial asthma

Food allergy

Dermatitis, Psoriasis

Rheumatoid arthritis

Thyroid's diseases

Any age related hormonal problems including low testosterone and menopause

Hormonal tumors

Herbal Treatment
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