Доктор Варвара
Blog of Immunodietitian Varvara Leschinskaya
about antiageing, healthy food, detox for gastrointestinal, autoimmune, hormonal diseases,
allergy, and weight balance
Who I am
Medical Doctor, Dietitian, Nutritionist, with Immunology background (started my Medical Career as an Immunologist)
15 yars expirienced psychotherapist
PhD (Doctor of Phylosophy) in immunology and psychotherapy
Scientific adviser for Appetite&Methabolism Center, Sankt-Petersburg
Graduate in weight loss (specialization in the European Weight Control Program) natural nutrition
Member of the European Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists, a member of the International Psychosomatic Association
My Mission or Dedication
And cleansing the body, a detox diet and a detox menu are necessary steps to cure even chronic depression! Then I was trained in nutrition and dietetics and opened my clinic of complementary (natural, non-drug) medicine, cleansing with herbs and weight loss - "Academy of Health". For more than 10 years I managed my small clinic and studio of oriental massage "Massage Boutique". Then she got tired of administrative work and decided to try to work abroad and develop as a specialist!
Healthy and tasty food is a source of inspiration for me, creativity, science and of course the excellent results of my beloved patients and friends. I’m sure that “Everything that’s useful is very tasty, but tasty should be useful! You just need to learn how to cook and combine healthy products ... Well, you need to learn how to love yourself, of course! (I'm a psychotherapist in my first education))). Methods my weight loss is very "strange": to someone I can recommend sweets, to others fat, and to others - there is more!)
Diseases and problems that I can I help
Weight balance for a kids,teenagers and adults
Weight loss, obesity
Eating disorders
Anorexia, Bulimia
Gastrointestinal problems and diseases
Allergic and immune diseases: food allergy, bronchial asthma, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Hormonal imbalance
Benign tumors
Мое резюме
«Центр аппетита и обмена», Санкт-Петербург
Научный руководитель
L’avantage”, Санкт-Петербург
Врач-нутрициолог, психотерапевт, специалист по коррекции веса
"Фитнес-Палас", Санкт-Петербург
врач-нутрициолог, велнесс-коуч
Санаторий "Дюны", Санкт-Петербург
Заведующая отделением коррекции веса и нутрициологии, врач-нутрициолог, психотерапевт, специалист по коррекции веса
Медицинский центр «Академия Здоровья», филиал «Бутик Массажа», Новосибирск
учредитель, директор центра, врач- нутрициолог, психотерапевт
Институт Клинической Иммунологии, Клиника Иммунопатологии РАМН, Новосибирск
Врач- психотерапевт, нутрициолог, научный сотрудник
Докладчик международных научных конференций: European Congress of Obesity, 2011, Isthanbul, 2012, Lion, International Congress of Dietiens and Nutricionists, 2011, Madrid, Spain, International congress of Obesity 2014, Kualulumpur, Malaysia, 21 European Congress of Obesity 2014, Sofia, Bulgary, XV Общероссийский Конгресс диетологов и нутрициологов 2014, Москва, Россия, 22 European Congress of Obesity 2015, Prague, Check republic
Сертификаты по нутрициологии и диетологии
Клиническая нутрициология и диеология. Сертификат врача-нутрициолога, диетолога
3-хмесячный курс, 2005г., Институт Питания РАМН, г. Москва
"Naturopathy and Dietotherapy of cancer", 3-weeks course, 3-26/06 2017, Budwig center& Biomedical clinic, Malaga, Spain
«Сlinical nutrition, nutrigenomics and functional foods»,
36 hours course, 26/09-07/11 2013, University of Rovira I Virgili Tarragona, Spain
SPA-therapist, SPA-expert, SPA design
5- month course, 2011, Jamu International Spa School, Bali, Indonesia
Nutrition, Mediterranean Diet, and Management of Cardiovascular Diseases"
48 hours programme, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Weight –management, Weight Control Program,
2-weeks course, 01/2005, Sant-Carlos Hospital and Weight Control Сlinic, Bangkok, Thailand
1989 – 1996 Новосибирская Государственная Медицинская Академия, Новосибирск Специальность: лечебное дело
1996-1999 Институт Клинической Иммунологии, Новосибирск
Ординатура по специальности иммунология и аллергология
НГМА, Новосибирск
Первичная специализация по психиатрии и по психотерапии